
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wealth Inspiration, Part 3 - 'Financial Books you Must Read!'

I don't really know if you're an 'book addict' (like i am), yet i do hope that at the end of this post you'll be at least somewhere in between. Because to tell you the truth, there is no better way to learn about finance, money and wealth than reading books from wisest authors.
For instance; Robert T. Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series, or Donald Trump's "The Magic of Thinking Big" - and of course, Thomas Stanley and William Danko's "The Millionaire Next Door", etc.

Before I'll skip to the list, i want you to know that these books below helped me and many of my friends to realize of how much reliable it is to use it's knowledge in real life. Saying this, i want you to know that i'm not listing up some random financial, money and wealth books - I'm listing up some of the best of the best there really are, I'm giving my word on it... Enjoy!

Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Before you Quit your Job!
Rich Kid, Smart Kid
The Magic of Thinking BIG
The Millionaire Next Door
Why we want you to be Rich
You know, i picked these books because they were the first i ever read regarding finance and wealth. So i hope that after you've have read them, you'll also recommend them to your family and friends; because from my perspective of view it's worth knowledge for life's experiences regarding finance, money and wealth...