One thing is certain though, "no-matter the dream you've set out to live; no-matter how big or small it may be, there will always be some obstacles on the road - always!" - And as being human you should understand that there will always be doubt's, there will always be decisions: Whether to Succeed or Fail, it's still your own decision to make!
Goal Setting - Your Life in 10 Years!
Regarding all what's written above, i want you to ask yourself the same question; i want you to think and wonder about it till you find the answer!
"WHY? - Because i want you to realize what you really want from your life!" And asking these questions from yourself, is the best way to do it...
Goal Setting Guide: The 10 Questions!
I don't know if any of you know this, but the questions lead to answers and answers lead to decisions; it's not really so hard to understand it from here. Yet it all gets complicated after the decision itself, because decisions lead to actions, and from here on it's all about you... It's your own choice whether you give up, or stand up after every single hit you get - that's how winning is done...
Now lets begin with the questions! For this i highly recommend you to take an piece of paper with pen or pencil, and answer these questions!
Your Life in 10 Years: Questions for successful Goal Setting!
- What do you Really want from your Life?
- Where are you right now?
- Where do you want to be from today forward?
- How will you get there?
- How far are you willing to go?
- How long will it take?
- What kind of obstacles you'll have to face?
- Are you determined enough to pursue your dreams?
- Will you give up if you fail?
- When will you start?
But remember this: If you're not willing even to answer these questions for your own sake, you should realize that you haven't passed the first step! And without the first step, there is no second...