
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Anger Management - How and Why to Treat your Anger!

Anger - It's our Inner Stubborn Child! It's something that always comes in disguise; something that comes behind the masks of different faces.
What i'm saying is, that 'Anger' - it's something with what we all come across with in our lives! Some of us deal and defeat it easily, some not - and in some, in not so rare cases, anger itself, is something that just literally can destroy our lives; and i'm not even mentioning ourselves, and the people in our lives...

What i want you to understand is, that even an small portion of anger could deal a lot of damage! It's not something that comes and goes just like that. I mean, i know - i've been there, walking down that path, and i can tell for a fact that in most cases anger doesn't come without the consequences. "If you won't learn to control it, or treat it like a stubborn child - it will control you!"

 Why you'll need to Control your Anger?
...Anger Management and your Health!

It's a well know fact, that sufficient amount of anger will most certainly lead to stress. And stress itself could lead to more anger. Finally, at the last stop,  you'll reach to excessive anger which can lead to all sorts of health risks and diseases. And at this point, you are forced to do something about it to reduce the risk of the following conditions:
  • Insomnia: Anger and Stress, both of them tend to keep your mind working overdrive, which doesn't let you sleep at night - basically you'll sleep at bay. And when in the mornings you'll wake up not fully rested, it could lead you to more anger and stress...
  • Heart Problems: For this i recommend you to read How Anger Hurts your Heart, from
  • High Blood Pressure: Also known as 'Silent Killer' - Can be cause by Anger and Stress...
Anyways, the 'WHY' you'll need to control your anger is because without it, you'll improve your health; social life, family life, job and career, etc. I mean, without anger, there's not so much of stress or negativity - and without them, your life could be amazing...

 How to Treat your Anger?
What i want you to understand about treating your anger, is that you shouldn't ever try to force it out, or even deny that it's there! In-fact, the best solution and my first advice to you is acceptance. And after you have accepted that it's there, do the following: (i also recommend you to read 'How to Deal with Negativity in your Life', where i mention the importance of acceptance itself!)
  • Write down that angers you: It's a well know fact, that writing down things that you need to do (lets say 'today'), helps you to achieve it! But writing down what angers you works a lil differently! So, before you burst into anger at something or someone, take your notebook out and write it down! And 'YES', for this you'll need to carry an notebook with you!
    The reason why you'll need to do it, is because when writing down what angers you, could prevent anger from coming out! (Works 50/50)
  • Invite Comedy into your Life: They say, that 'Laughter is the Best Medicine' - and this is also what i have said many times over throughout iMedia-Network in various different posts! So my advice to you is, to watch more comedy shows, series or movies. For Instance, start with ComedyCentral, and also read 'Why you'll need Comedy into your Life!
  • Count to 3: Before bursting into anger, try counting to 3
  • Take deep Breaths: Before bursting into anger, or when you're already angry, take very deep breaths (in and out) - it helps to calm you down!
  • Meditation: Practice meditation regularly! (Meditation for Beginners: 20 Practical Tips for Quieting the Mind)
  • Focus on something completely different: When you're ready to burst into anger, or are already angry, try to focus on something completely different! For instance, you can think about something that once made you happy, or something that made you smile and laugh! Try to remember the 'Happy Things'