
Thursday, March 18, 2010

The unanswerable Question "Who Am I"

In every person's life comes the time when we ask ourselves: "Who are we?" or "What are we supposed to be?" During that time most of us start to think of fate and destiny or what have we already achieved and for what have we achieved it at all: We even ask ourselves about god and the world, or the higher purposes and the meaning of life itself.

Mostly it's the time when we have lost our loved one(s), or we took the wrong path and way: It's the time when we are confused and do not know the answers, we seek guidance even when there seems to be no hope - and yet, we hope for hopeless miracles.

After awhile we begin to understand, that life is a puzzle and every piece fits together to create who we are, what we do and how we feel - and eventually, every experience shapes us to what eventually we will become. But sometimes for every being cursed of self-awareness, there still remains unanswerable question: "Who am I?" We just struggle so hard to find meaningful connection to one-another; We are the caring friend, the loving father, the dirty mother, the protected child. We fight and love and especially hope that somehow, together, we can understand our significance in the universe. But in the end no-one can share our burden: Each of us alone must answer the question "Who am I?" - "What does it mean to be alive - and how do i matter?"