
Monday, July 4, 2011

The "WHY", on The 'Early Bucket List'

Awhile back i published an post 'Things you Should Do Before You Die!', and after it was read by some of my friends, family even - they asked me pretty decent amount of ridiculous questions.
Well you know, questions similar to "why this, why that", etc. and so on and on. Hell, there were even some negative comments regarding of what you should do and what you shouldn't do before you actually die... But you know, it didn't really bother me so much as i first thought it would, because i know that not all people realize the importance of life and how fast it actually flies by. I mean, "Time is limited"; and tomorrow's always an mystery...

The last sentence above should say everything regarding "The Why" on the "Early Bucket List", yet i know for fact that only an small percentage of people understand it completely; and that only an wise group of those people in that small percentage, will follow my lead.
What I'm saying is that probably, just probably,- most of you will wave an hand saying 'bye, bye' to my advice regarding the early bucket list. But do you know what? After 20-40 years from today you'll start to look back onto your life, and you'll realize, that you've missed so many and much more opportunities that life had offered you; you'll start to understand, that you don't really know anything about it. And finally, you'll be able to say, that you are in-fact inexperienced of life's experiences...

What i am trying to accomplish with this post is simple, really!
...Live Simply, Laugh Often, Love Deeply!
  • I'm telling you, that Life's a short trip...
  • I'm telling you, that Life's an Playground, and you shouldn't forget it...
  • I'm telling you, that you can do all of these things what you want  - no exceptions!
  • I'm telling you, to live the best, because YOU certainly Can...
  • I'm telling you to Cry, Laugh and Love!
  • I'm telling you to Experience Life - To Experience everything in It!
  • I'm telling you that you don't have to have the best of everything, because you always can make the best of everything!