
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Understanding Success and it's Ingredients: Part II

In my younger ages i didn't know how to define success! I always thought that when you have money or when you're an millionaire, even financially free - then you are an successful person... Regarding this i thought that Money and Wealth is all what you need to live your life to the fullest potential, but as i grew up i just had to change my mind about it: Meaning that my knowledge about Success, Money and Wealth - it all suddenly changed, after i reached to the destination with finances... So eventually i became obsessed with the fairytale happy endings; With the happily ever after, etc. - In other words: I wished for more happiness, love and peace...

Understanding Success and it's Ingredients: The x-Factor and Attitude!
Before I'll begin to explain the x-Factor and Attitude regarding the Ingredient of Success, i want you to realize that there are "in my book of rules" only 2 main categories of Success! One of them is all related to Money and Wealth, and second is more about Happiness,Wealth and Well Being...
  1. Money and Wealth: This is where to most of the people are aiming for; When they just want to be Rich, Millionaires and Financially Free, with almost no other goal in their minds than Money and Wealth...
  2. Happiness, Wealth and Well Being: This is an another goal where to "in extremely rare cases" people are aiming for; Where they wish to live their lifestyle Wealthy and Happy with this one single goal to achieve from the fairy-tales - "and they lived happily ever after!"...

The x-Factor and Attitude of Success:
Have you ever wondered what success really is? Is it to be rich or millionaire, maybe financially free? Is it to be happy or to be loved? In fact, How Do You Define Success?
In my personal experiences i can tell that most of the people do not even try to define it, because success for every single person is slight different: For some it's Wealth; for some it's wearing fancy clothes or having a good car, and for others something else... This i can tell for sure, that in most cases the meaning of success to people is very much the same. It's common thinking that when you're living your lifestyle average or a little bit more than average; when you can afford this and that, then you are in some point successful... Yet success has so many different terms, that you cannot really tell "are you, or are you not an successful person?"

So anyways what is this x-Factor which i mentioned above? - Well then, In the short term it's your own definition for success: Meaning that it all comes to the point whether or not you think that you're an successful or not... In other words: the x-Factor is your own Attitude; it's your own choice....

To simplify all this mambo-jumbo, etc. - Success isn't about Money and Wealth; It isn't about only happiness and love or well being: It's more or less of where to you're aiming for, and if you're living the dream you've once set out to live?  So are you an successful or not, is always for you to decide!